Article Cryptocurrencies and Fraud by Michael Lastovskiy, Founder and CEO at Neo Forensics, summarizes expert discussion on the academic, legal and investigative views on the issue of fraud in crypto.
Why investigators need to be good interviewers, planning and preparation, interviewing strategy and process, detecting deception, interview case studies, common interviewing mistakes. Link -
Please find attached Michael Lastovskiy, Neo Forensics Founder and CEO, professional bio.
Neo Forensics proudly presents AI-supercharged Due Diligence (AI DD), a revolutionary service combining human intelligence and AI to achieve unprecedented results for clients. Please see the brochure for details.
The brochure contains a summary of hybrid round table discussion "AI: Impact on Legal, Litigation Funding and Forensics". The event took place on 19 July 2023 in Neo Forensics office in London.
Neo Forensics Services Brochure contains detailed description of services, geographical coverage, senior team members, address and contact information.